Монголын нөхөн сэргээх,
гоо сайхны мэс засалчдын нийгэмлэг

7 дахь удаагийн их хурал

                                    6th International Annual Meeting of Mongolian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (MSPRS)
18th of September 2022
timer Lecturer Affiliation
08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:05 00:05 Opening speech Prof. Ayanga Gongorjav National Center for Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia
Moderators:  Dr. Bayanmunkh Khuyag
09:05-10:05 01:00 Competency-based plastic surgery reisdency training. A history and future directions Prof. Scott David Lifchez Director, Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery Service, Johns Hopkins Bayiew Medical Center
10:05-10:20 00:15 Burn statistics, results of reconstruction post burn scar Dr. Khishigsuren Otgonsuren President of MSPRS, Deputy director of burn center.
10:20-10:30 00:10 Subtotal amputation hand and reconstruction surgery Dr. Munkhbat Batjargal Meltesmed Orthoplastic Hospital
10:30-10:40 00:10 Drtun product information Ms. Solongo Batsukh Drtun medical device, equipment and pharmacietical
10:40-10:50 00:10 Q&A
10:50-11:00 00:10 Coffee break
Moderators: Prof. Ayanga Gongorjav & Dr. Purevdagva Baasan
11:00-12:00 01:00 Management of rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist Prof. Scott David Lifchez Director, Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery Service, Johns Hopkins Bayiew Medical Center
12:00-12:10 00:10 Septal perforation repair using a sphenopalatine artery flap and ear cartilage Dr. Munkhbaatar Purev Department of ENT, MNUMS
12:10-12:20 00:10 Surgical management of traumatic medial telecanthal deformity Dr. Selenge Enkhbayar Oculoplastic eye and plastic surgery clinic
12:20-12:30 00:10 Novel surgicaltechnique for thyroid eyelid retraction Dr. Bayasgalan Purevdorj Oculoplastic eye and plastic surgery clinic, Department of Ophthalmology, MNUMS
12:30-12:35 00:05 Med Mongol product information Mrs. Batchimeg B MedMongol medical device, equipment and pharmacietical
12:35-12:45 00:10 Q&A
12:45-13:45 01:00 Lunch
13:50-14:50 01:00 How to reduce complications in rhinoplasty Prof. Moo Hyun Paik Agape Christian Hospital
14:50-15:00 00:10 Complications in head and neck free flaps surgery Dr. Denis Skuratov Head of Head and neck, Reconstructive plastic surgery department, National cancer center of Mongolia,
15:00-15:10 00:10 Results of reconstructive surgeries of extremities Dr. Oyunjargal Dagva National Traumatology and orthopedic research center
15:10-15:20 00:10 Orthognathic surgery is complication and treatment Dr. Davaasuren Amgalanbaatar Tugs Yalguun Clinic
15:20-15:30 00:10 Result of reconstruction Velopharyngeal insufficiency Dr. Erdenetsogt Jargaldavaa National Center for Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia
15:30-15:40 00:10 Product information Mr. Todnyam Davaasuren SM Medical Center
15:40-16:00 00:20 Complications of liposuction Dr. Delphine Voulliaume Saint Joseph’s Medical Center
16:00-16:10 00:10 Q&A
16:10-16:20 00:10 Coffee break
Moderators: Dr. Denis Skuratov &  Dr. Todnombat Davaasuren
16:20-16:45 00:15 Toe to finger transplantation Dr. Munkhdelger Myagmarsuren National Traumatology and orthopedic research center
16:45-17:00 00:15 Surgical Reconstruction of the amputated finger and hand Dr. Munkhbat Enkhbaatar National Traumatology and orthopedic research center
17:00-17:15 00:15 Reconstructive surgeries of the upper extremity  Dr. Zoljargal Tumur-Ochir National Traumatology and orthopedic research center
17:15-17:30 00:15 Complication of botox and filler injection Dr. Garid Bayar Granprix hospital
17:30-17:45 00:15 Retrograde tracheal intubation in National Cancer Center Dr. Bolormaa Batnasan National Traumatology and orthopedic research center
17:45-17:50 00:05 PDRN Injection in wound healing Dr. Bastsetseg Ulambayar Citymedlux
17:50-18:00 00:10 Prevention of surgical site infection Dr. Karen Wares Gama Healthcare company
18:10-18:10 00:10 Q&A
Closing speech
Gala dinner @ Paris lounge for VIP only

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